Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Nan Madol

This is photo of the most famous structure of Nan Madol – Nan Dawas.  I was sitting on a large outer wall (~10 m tall) with my back to the ocean.  There was some very serious engineering going on here.  This is only a small part of the total ruins.  What was the point of all this work? My imagination was running wild.  Of course, I have my own hypothesis.

これは、Nan Madol の中で最も有名な構造の写真です - Nan Dawas   私は海に私の背中に大きな外壁(〜10メートル高さ)の上に座っていた。 いくつかの非常に深刻なエンジニアリングがここに起こっていた。 これは、全遺跡のほんの一部です。 すべてこの作業のポイントは何でしたか。 もちろん、私は私自身の仮説を持っています。
Just a peasant


Anonymous hellopoponta said...

A 10m tall ancient breakwater? My, the place must have thrived.
If memory serves me correctly, none of our nuclear power plants have such a high bulwark (which I guess proved fatal).

Another well known actress, Honami Suzuki, made a come back recently when her youngest child finally reached the age to go to kindergarten and her two eldest got enrolled in elementary school.
Patience, just a peasant!

Ayano xxx

11:20 AM  
Anonymous just a peasant said...

Hi Ayano! Looking again at the photos - that breakwater might have been more like 7 meters. But you're right - it sure seemed like a breakwater to me. There is even a clearly defined channel through it. With your background I'm sure you would have some important insights. It would be awesome if you had been there too. I probably would have annoyed you with questions.

Also, thank you for encouraging my long wait! So I will stay patient then.

12:45 PM  

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