Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Vibrant Earth

Of course, when I’m looking across the ocean or out into space, I’m not forgetting our own backyard. One side effect of chemistry and physics is Life. Biochemistry gives rise to organisms. There are planetary tide pools in the universe, where the downward flow of energy is temporarily interrupted and Life thrives for a time, before that energy is gone. But during that time, billions of years sometimes, all sorts of organisms arise and disappear. Our planet is the only example we have so far.

I saw an episode of some reality TV show where some men and women were taken to a tropical island and they would attempt to seduce each other or some other nonsense. I don’t remember the name of the show because it is not important. Anyway, they spent their time strategizing, plotting, laying around, drinking, and wearing bikinis to gain the affections of someone. What a total waste of time! To me, the sad part was that they were on an island that had three species of very interesting bats and a huge coral reef. Yet these beautiful, but rather boring people, seemed totally oblivious to this fact. Yes - the fact that the island was far more interesting than they were.

If I had been there, I would have gotten a flashlight and headed out into the jungle at night to find some of these nocturnal animals. They are flying mammals after all and I think that’s pretty interesting. I wonder what fruit trees they visit or help to pollinate. I wonder if there were any cool and dangerous snakes too – they love the night. You can also attract some pretty strange insects with your light. Another place to investigate at night are the coral reefs or tide pools. All sorts of creatures come out at night to go about their routine of survival and propagation. If you can, use a red light filter. This planet is alive and interesting day and night.

And why is it people hate the rain at the beach? I think it’s romantic. It’s even better when you can smell wood burning in fireplaces.

- Just a peasant

Photo of some starfish in a tide pool on the Oregon coast 2009.